The triplets are thriving at preschool. They are at the top of their class. They already know most of their colors, shapes, alphabet, counting to 15 (and higher), and so much more. We are thrilled with the abilities they are demonstrating at such an early age. Like I've mentioned before, we work with them a lot to develop their minds!
The triplets love books. Noah is literally sitting down with "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you See?" and reading on his own. He has the book committed to memory. It's so cute! Sydney says her favorite book is Dr. Seuss' "Foot Book." Like Noah, she can recite most of the book simply by looking at the pages. Emily, she loves to sing "Old McDonald Had a Farm" and "The Wheels on the Bus" while looking at their respective books.
All 3 are so bright. They are reciting words represented by various letters. For example, M is for Mommy. They now can recite their first & middle names (and each others). I'm now working on their last name. Oh, did I mention they know their parents given name. When I say, "what's Mommy's name" they exclaim "Amy" and "John."
Sydney is mostly potty trained now. She has been in panties for 1 week now (except nap & bedtime). She is doing an incredible job with very few accidents. I'm going to give it another week or so, and Emily will be wearing panties also. She does a fairly good job at preschool using the potty. I think putting her in panties will encourage more consistency. Noah, he really doesn't show any interest in potty training yet. He'll sit on the potty, but very briefly. That's ok, I'm not tripping over potty training like so many parents do. Yes, it will be cheaper when not purchasing diapers for 3, but it will come in time.
Anyway, I know I'm bragging, but isn't that what parents are supposed to do. I'm so thankful they are so bright and capable. There is always concern about development of babies born as multiples and prematurely. We lucked out, ours are great physically and developmentally.
Life has been difficult these last 4 weeks since losing my Mom. I do miss her tremendously. I've shed so many tears, with no signs of them drying up anytime soon. I am so grateful for the 2-1/2 years she had with her youngest grandchildren.