Thursday, April 30, 2009

Preschool & Illness

Oh boy, the last 2 weeks have been difficult. All 3 kids caught a cold in the first few days at preschool (2 developed ear infections). Noah has been to the Immediate Care Center and the pediatrician. The girls have fared pretty well but our son has truly suffered. His ears have been painful and this infection just doesn't want to leave his little body. We are on his 3rd antibiotic and just starting to see signs of improvement.

We've already missed 3 days out of 14. This new arrangement has been quite expensive when considering the tuition paid, dr co-pays and scripts. I hope this won't be a trend for the triplets.

The kids are starting to adjust to their new routine. What started with 1 child crying in the morning has resulted in all 3 crying now--yikes! They are settling pretty soon after John & I leave. That I am thankful for. Nap time is still touch and go. Their naps are fairly short when compared to naps in their cribs.

There are going to be great learning opportunities for the kids. The girls are starting to sing their ABC's! Noah's even chimed in. They enjoy particiating in circle time (stories, shapes, numbers, alphabet). Some days I'm not sure preschool is worth the trouble, other days I'm certain it's worth any sacrifice.

Please pray for Noah's full recovery and good health for all 3.



The Texas Trio said...

We just had friends get tubes in their son's ears after five double ear infections. He is now a new child they say. But it is surgery and scary. I will keep him and you all in our prayers.


ABarna said...

It's quite amazing how each kid has their own issues. I remember Cassie was good for pnemonia at least once during the first 8 years or so, Justin was always the left ear, and Eddie was as healthy as a horse usually. I'm sure Noah will get better and the girls will pull through fine, it will get better trust me. Just look how the time has flown already....soon the girls will be diaper free, and then you'll just have to focus on Noah. (but it's been Val and I's experience that boys take a year or two longer...but you never know) Hang in there you two. Now that Valerie and I are grandparents, We are just dying to someday spend sometime at Disney or someplace when the kids get older as a group it should be fun. Take Care. Al